5 Holiday Marketing Tips

The holiday season is quickly approaching and you are probably wondering how you can sprinkle some holiday flavor into your usual marketing strategy. We’ve created a list of five great tips to help your business leverage the holidays in your marketing strategy:

1.       Create an electronic and/or a printed holiday postcard

Let your customers and clients know that you care by sending them a holiday card. You can send a holiday-themed e-mail blast or a more traditional printed postcard. If you are running any holiday specials, be sure to include them!

2.       Holiday-themed newsletter/e-newsletter

Make your December newsletter merry! The holidays are a time of giving, so focus on topics such as charity, holiday events and recapping the past year. Is your organization associated with a cause? Does your company host a holiday party or event? Summarize this year’s successes or introduce your clients to your future plans.

3.       Perfect time for a giveaway

The holidays make a great time for a contest or a giveaway. This can be anything, depending on your type of business — a gift certificate, a product sample, or a hefty coupon.   Make sure that the giveaway concept fits your overall marketing strategy. Do you want to increase your social media following? Require entrants to follow you on social media in order to enter the drawing. Are you trying to get a larger audience for your blog? Have them comment on your blog post! Think about what you want to achieve and then create the giveaway accordingly.

4.       Leverage social media before the holidays

Create a mix of informative and light-hearted holiday content on your social media platforms. Instead of posting more of the same, try something new and different that will genuinely engage your customers. And remember to thank your customers for their loyalty.

5.       Add or supplement e-commerce on your website

Add e-commerce to your website and begin to sell products or services that can also be given as gifts. Having gift certificates available is a great way to generate revenue and to bring new customers in. Think about other ways you can fuse the holidays into your business. Try “buy one give one” program, if you want to incorporate charity into your business.

If you need help designing a holiday card, creating a newsletter or social media strategy, please contact our experts at PRMG. Contact Aimee Dineiro for more holiday marketing tips via email info@theprmg.com or call 1-855-PRMG-123.

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