Businesses That Advertise with Twitter Videos Have a Leg Up

Twitter’s trendiness has made it a hotspot for advertising. The social media site, infamous for its 140-character limit, has rapidly gained popularity since its release in 2006 by founders Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone. By the end of 2010, the service had gained 50 million monthly active users. That number tripled just two years later in 2012, and, despite a small dip in 2015, the number of users continues to grow. As of December 2016, 319 million people used the platform on at least a monthly basis.

Businesses are joining the Twitter community in efforts to reach those who might not be so keen to comment on other social media platforms (such as Facebook or Instagram). Twitter users often opt to “mention” businesses, friends or famous people in their tweets, a feature which enables those mentioned to view and respond to said tweet instantaneously. This effectively provides users a direct line of communication with businesses to which they previously may not have had access.

Politicians, athletes and entertainers (among others) use the social medium as a resource for indulging pertinent information (such as the status of a recent bill in Congress, the current score of a soccer match, or the release date of a musician’s new album) in a concise and personal way. News and media outlets similarly utilize Twitter to reach out to mass audiences with crucial and critical news updates, a helpful and potentially life-saving feature in states of emergency, such as 2013’s Boston Marathon bombing. The ability to immediately reach a wide and varied audience is Twitter’s strongest suit, for business, celebrity, news and personal use alike.

The great thing about social media is its flexibility – the platforms change and update rapidly, which reflects the ability of the human mind to change and update, and easily keep their users’ ever-distracted attention. Facebook’s major success with new video advertisements has prompted Twitter to follow suit, shifting away from promoted tweets and toward video advertising.

Advertising on social media is useful in expanding brand awareness, increasing website traffic, and generating leads. When organic reach on social media platforms declines, ads are inversely on the rise. As Twitter rolls out its new video advertising campaign, businesses that take advantage of this new feature will be ahead of the game.

If you think your business would benefit from target-audience lead generation, you should consider video advertising on Twitter. Call the experts at The Public Relations and Marketing Group for advice and guidance, as well as ad scheduling and implementation. Please reach out to us at 631-207-1057 x107 or email us at

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