New FTC Guidelines For Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising

As media has evolved, so has advertising. In recent years, the rise of social media and the Internet has created new mediums or channels for reaching consumers, leading to new forms of advertising and marketing. Continue reading “New FTC Guidelines For Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising”

Making The Most Of Your Blog

In 2008, the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Center for Marketing Research conducted a study, which established that fast-growing small businesses are adopting social media at a faster rate than larger corporations. This may largely be due to the fact that for small businesses, social media can be a useful communications channel, allowing them to directly engage in a conversation with their customers and obtain feedback. Continue reading “Making The Most Of Your Blog”

Got a Video? Take It Viral

Anyone who has watched the videos of two geeky-looking scientists tossing Mentos mints into Diet Coke bottles would attest to the viral power of video marketing. In three weeks alone, four million people viewed the video produced by Fritz Globe and Stephen Voltz, showing them combine 200 liters of Diet Coke with over 500 Mentos mints. While the videos were not created by either Mentos or Diet Coke, it certainly led to a lot of free publicity for both brands, which would have otherwise cost the two companies millions of dollars in traditional marketing and advertising. Continue reading “Got a Video? Take It Viral”

Using Public Relations to Drive Your SEO

The Web can be a great place to showcase your product or service and get out your message directly to your customers. However, with the evolution of the Web into a crowded marketplace, being found easily by your target audience can often be a challenge. By strengthening your online presence and improving your rankings in search engines, you can enable consumers and media to find you at the precise moment that they are looking for information or need a particular product or service that you can provide. Continue reading “Using Public Relations to Drive Your SEO”

Whose Brand Is It Anyway? A brand is defined by its customers

Imagine this scenario: Your company decides to rebrand its logo by changing its font. No big deal, right?

Wrong. Or at least not if you are IKEA. Last week, a Swedish resident was reading an IKEA print advertisement in a local newspaper when he noticed the IKEA typeface looked different. He sent out a message over Twitter and learned from IKEA’s advertising agency that IKEA had recently adopted a new font. As Time magazine reported in its recent article, very soon customers from Tokyo to Dublin to Melbourne were tweeting about how they thought the new font was “just plain ugly” and how disgusted they were with the font change. The IKEA font issue soon became a trending topic on Twitter, with fans across the globe talking about it, drawing even more tweets than Senator Edward Kennedy. Continue reading “Whose Brand Is It Anyway? A brand is defined by its customers”

A Quick Guide to the Social Media Toolbox

Facebook, MySpace, Xing, Twitter, wikis, LinkedIn, Plaxo, podcasts, blogs, Digg, YouTube, FlickR, RSS, StumbleUpon…the list is endless. If the vast array of social media tools available leaves you scratching your head in confusion, you are not alone. Cutting through the social media clutter and making sense of it all can be difficult, but it is important to remember that social media tools are, in the end, just that – tools meant to achieve an objective. Once you have identified your business and communication goals, your target audience, and a communication and marketing strategy to reach that audience, the last step is to select the tools that best help you achieve these goals and reach your audience most effectively. Continue reading “A Quick Guide to the Social Media Toolbox”

How Small Businesses Can Tap Into Social Media

Search for “Will It Blend” on Google and the top result will throw up Blendtec, a Utah-based company that manufactures a $399 heavy-duty blender. George Wright, Blendtec’s marketing director, conceived the idea of creating a video series where the company’s founder attempts to blend various unusual items (a hockey stick, cubic zirconia and even an Apple iPhone) to demonstrate the sheer power of the blender. The videos, which cost a few hundred dollars, were posted on free social media sites like YouTube and Digg, generating six million downloads and 10,000 comments in just a week. Following the first few videos, sales at Blendtec went up by 20 percent, followed by appearances on national television shows. Continue reading “How Small Businesses Can Tap Into Social Media”

Attorney Marketing and the Web

More attorneys are using advertising to expand their practice in the face of increased competition in the legal profession. Additionally, there is now heavy emphasis of marketing through the Web, challenging attorneys to find effective marketing tools that allow customers to find their firm over others. This article provides you with PRMG’s top tips and techniques for attorneys to market through the Web, including through their website, SEO, directories, and PPC advertising. Continue reading “Attorney Marketing and the Web”

Top 10 Ways To Market On The Web

Few organizations can survive and expect to thrive today without a website. However, a website should be far more than an online brochure. To be effective, a website must be marketed to draw prospective customers and visitors to your site, and once they are there, visitors must want to stay and learn more about your product and services. This article provides you with PRMG’s Top 10 Tips for marketing on the Web. Continue reading “Top 10 Ways To Market On The Web”

Developing a Website to Obtain High Search Engine Ranking

One of the most common projects PRMG is asked to work on is to develop or re-develop a client’s website for the purpose of obtaining high search engine ranking. The article below provides an outline of the steps to take toward developing a strong website for improving search engine ranking, as well as some of the techniques the firm utilizes to acquire and maintain high rankings. Continue reading “Developing a Website to Obtain High Search Engine Ranking”

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