Quality, Transparency, and Honesty: A Look at Google’s Penguin 2.0

In May, Google rolled out its newest search engine update, the infamous Penguin 2.0. Since 2011, Google has released several algorithm updates known as Google Panda and Google Penguin to ensure that the highest quality websites are ranked highest in Google’s search engine, and spammers are penalized. Continuing this trend, the goal of Penguin 2.0 has been to optimize the Google experience for searchers and ensure honesty and transparency in Search Engine Optimization.

Continue reading “Quality, Transparency, and Honesty: A Look at Google’s Penguin 2.0”

5 Blogging Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Anyone can create a blog but at the end of the day, the question is whether or not your blog is getting results and generating leads for your business. If the answer is no, you may be committing one of the following blogging sins. This article will provide an overview of five common mistakes businesses make when blogging, including not understanding their target audience, not providing any contact information, inconsistent updating, bad writing and not including multimedia. Continue reading “5 Blogging Mistakes and How to Fix Them”

How to Choose the Right Keywords

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), keywords are extremely important. Keywords are the words or short phrases that Internet users type into a search engine when looking for a website, business, service or product. In regards to SEO, search engines use keywords when analyzing and prioritizing websites. By including strong keywords in the content of your website, the meta tags, ALT tags, your domain name and each individual page name, your search engine rankings will dramatically improve. Apart from SEO purposes, keywords should also be used in blog entries and your Web advertising campaigns. This article will explain how to choose keywords that will boost your business’ online visibility and bring you higher conversion rates. Continue reading “How to Choose the Right Keywords”

What You Need to Know About SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is absolutely critical to modern marketing. With millions of new Web pages flooding the Internet every day, search engines are forced to sift through the clutter and develop a ranking system to prioritize websites. In the most basic sense, SEO is everything that helps your business get ranked higher and receive optimal exposure from these search engines. This is so important because your position on organic search engine results correlates with the number of leads generated by your website. For those who are new to SEO, this article will explain the most important factors that affect these rankings. Continue reading “What You Need to Know About SEO”

10 Ways to Generate Leads Online

The Internet offers countless opportunities for building your professional network and generating leads for your business. Especially for those on a tight budget, it’s important to focus on making the most of lead generation tools and techniques that are readily available on the Web. This article will provide you with ten simple ways you can generate leads online for your business. Continue reading “10 Ways to Generate Leads Online”

Why Quality Content Reigns Supreme

It has never been more important to create and implement a comprehensive strategy to develop and deploy valuable content as a foundation for your marketing efforts. The quality of your content is what influences your audience’s decision on whether or not to invest their time into viewing your website, articles or advertisements. Continue reading “Why Quality Content Reigns Supreme”

No, We Can’t Get You Those Results Overnight

With millions of Web pages flooding the Internet, search engines must sift through the clutter and develop a ranking system that allows the strongest sites to be given optimal exposure by placing them at the top of search engine results. Since the majority of website traffic comes from these major search engines, it is imperative that your site has a high ranking. Continue reading “No, We Can’t Get You Those Results Overnight”

On-Page Optimization and Keywords

Learn more about on-page optimization and keywords by reading this blog post. We will cover working with domains, programming for SEO, and how to display your content on your website. Continue reading “On-Page Optimization and Keywords”

2010-2011 NCAA Football

ESPN will be broadcasting this season’s NCAA Football games from December 18th to January 10, 2011. Verizon FiOS is currently looking for Island-wide advertisers to run commercials during the games. There is a package available for $4,000 that gets you 122 :30 spots – that’s less than $35 per spot! This is an excellent way to reach serious sports fans in the comfort of their own homes. Continue reading “2010-2011 NCAA Football”

Navigating Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful Knowledge Management System and Geographic Information System. It gives everyone with access to the Internet the capability of understanding how the world views, manipulates, and navigates their website using the latest data mining technologies. Its ideal availability makes it one of the top analytical information systems used by small businesses. Continue reading “Navigating Google Analytics”

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