Digital Advertising Blog

No, We Can’t Get You Those Results Overnight

With millions of Web pages flooding the Internet, search engines must sift through the clutter and develop a ranking system that allows the strongest sites to be given optimal exposure by placing them at the top of search engine results. Since the majority of website traffic comes from these major search engines, it is imperative that your site has a high ranking. Continue reading “No, We Can’t Get You Those Results Overnight”

Advertise with 2011 U.S. Open Tennis on Verizon FiOS

Magnificent grounds, world-class entertainment, breakthrough innovations and electrifying action are among the major reasons why fans from all over the world come together in New York and turn the U.S. Open into the center of the sports and entertainment universe. Continue reading “Advertise with 2011 U.S. Open Tennis on Verizon FiOS”

Getting Started with Reputation Management

Negative publicity on the Internet can cost your business in both revenue and customers. While blogs and social media have transformed the way businesses communicate with the public, it’s also easier than ever for people to post negative, false or scandalous claims about businesses in a public media outlet. Continue reading “Getting Started with Reputation Management”

Advertise with Able’s 20th Anniversary Issue

This special publication will look back at the most important issues of the past 20 years. Since 1991, Able, a monthly newspaper, has been published for, by, and about the disabled. Able features all the news that pertains to people with disabilities, including a calendar of events, columns written by various experts and a variety of informative articles. Continue reading “Advertise with Able’s 20th Anniversary Issue”

Sponsor the 1st Annual Nassau County Executives Cup

On Saturday, July 23, 2011, Nassau County will be hosting their first annual Executives Cup. This event, hosted at the Mitchel Athletic Complex in Uniondale, will be an opportunity for friends, family, athletes and fans to enjoy the best that Nassau County has to offer at both the high school and professional levels in soccer. Continue reading “Sponsor the 1st Annual Nassau County Executives Cup”

The Patchogue Theatre for Performing Arts Offers 2011-2012 Ad and Sponsorship Packages

Advertisement and sponsorship packages are now available for 2011-2012 at the Patchogue Theatre for Performing Arts (PTPA). Each summer, sponsorships and ads are offered in the theatre program to support PTPA’s mission to serve as a cultural center for Long Island. Continue reading “The Patchogue Theatre for Performing Arts Offers 2011-2012 Ad and Sponsorship Packages”

Making the Right Connections with LinkedIn

Every business strives to increase profitability and remain relevant and competitive in their industry. In order to stay competitive in today’s business world, you must use some form of social media. Social media marketing and advertising techniques can help increase your revenues, communicate with customers and remain a competitive force in your field. Continue reading “Making the Right Connections with LinkedIn”

Secrets to Twitter Marketing

Twitter has quickly become the most powerful microblogging tool on the Web and has gained a reputation for breaking news and providing information to millions of users worldwide. Businesses have discovered the immense exposure and resources that Twitter has to offer. Continue reading “Secrets to Twitter Marketing”

10 Steps to Getting the Most Out of Facebook

Facebook is the most popular and widely used social media outlet. Facebook users create profiles, interact with others, become fans of business pages and join in common interest groups. With more than 400 million members, Facebook is an excellent marketing and advertising tool, especially for B2C companies. Continue reading “10 Steps to Getting the Most Out of Facebook”

The Healthcare Guide – Thursday June 23, 2011 Special Issue of the Long Island Press Offers Advertising Opportunities

Healthcare is in the spotlight in the next issue of the Long Island Press. Quality healthcare information is important to every person and family on the island. This coming issue promises to cover a large number of topics in the Healthcare sector, featuring an eye catching cover story on nutrition that will grab the attention of the reader and your marketing demographic. Continue reading “The Healthcare Guide – Thursday June 23, 2011 Special Issue of the Long Island Press Offers Advertising Opportunities”

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